What drives women who come in “male” sport

It would seem that the division of classes into “male” and “female” in the 21st century looks at least strange, and yet … nevertheless, many are perplexed when they see women engaged in traditionally male sports – for example, a triathlon. What makes them make such a choice? And what helps them to remain feminine and combine exhausting training with care for the family and a successful career?

Set a goal and win is a man’s task. This opinion has been widespread around the world for centuries. In modern society, the situation is changing: since 1908, women officially participate in the Olympic Games, show high results, win and do not turn into bad wives and mothers from this. To achieve their goals and not limit yourself to a “historically established set of responsibilities” is seeking an increasing and more women.

So, for example, the number of triathlon participants over the past three years, according to the statistics of the organizer of the triathlon competition in Russia Ironstar, increased by 300%. There are several reasons for this:

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  • The desire to maintain yourself in good shape to prepare for the start of the competition,
  • General hobby with a partner,
  • a way to reboot and switch attention from working and household problems to sports,
  • The opportunity to make new acquaintances,
  • Alternative to profile sports (for former professional athletes).

We talked with three triathlets about how they came to this sport and why there are more and more women in it.

“Nobody believed in me, but I just could not do it”

Gulya Salikhov, Triatlet, mother of three children, wife of the co -founder Ironstar

PSYCHOLOGies: What made you choose a sport in which men have historically dominated?

Gulya Salikhov: I never thought about who dominates this sport. Yes, the loads are heavy, but I did not immediately come to them. At first there was a bicycle on which I traveled different countries not on tourist routes. Then, in my life, a run suddenly appeared: I saw how they flee at the Moscow International Marathon of the World (since 2013 – the Moscow marathon. – approx. Ed.) and on adrenaline ran a distance with a two -month son in a stroller (without registration and participant numbers). After that, I realized that I had to train, and began to run through the forest and in a fitness club.

Then I gave birth to a second child and gave the floor to my husband that I would run a marathon. I did not want to fulfill a promise at all, but I had to, and I began to train, continuing to breastfeed the child. When my son was 11 months old, I ran a marathon in Dubai. After that there were several starts in the relay team, and then I switched to swimming, deciding to try myself in the triathlon. I was not able to swim and was afraid, but since I like to try what I am scary, I again gave the floor to my husband, that I will learn. After eight months, I sailed half the standard triathlon distance.

That was my path to triathlon. And although this sport requires serious training, separate disciplines-running and bicycle-I still consider truly female sports.

Stressful physical activity affected your body? You fed your daughter during the most difficult distance?

I was very afraid to lose milk, but I did not leave the sport, but followed the well -being of the child and her. I fed all the children for a long time and did not cancel the training.

Why, in your opinion, more and more women go to triathlon? To conquer and achieve – historically formed male features ..

I am sure that in the female consciousness the desire to achieve is also laid down, and sport is the easiest way to satisfy it, only discipline and perseverance are needed. Set a goal – achieved, set the following. And so to the face of the possible. It would seem how to run a marathon after 180 km of a bicycle? I was very interested to know what it was. Almost no one believed in me, but I just couldn’t help but do it.

“These endurance races are literally a symbol of my life”

Maria Kolosova, mother of four children

Psychologies: You came to the triathlon at 45. Why did this sport choose? It was an attempt to prove something to yourself or others?

Maria Kolosova: I have been engaged in the psychology of high achievements all my life, and sport remained the only area in which I was a complete zero. I didn’t know how to swim – I didn’t even do exercises. I built a business and was engaged in raising children, and just my son once brought me a book about triathlon. I read it and realized that these endurance races are literally a symbol of my life. It was important for me not only to test myself for stubbornness and endurance, but also to understand how my knowledge of high achievements coincides with reality.

And it turned out, for example, that when it comes to goals and high achievements, there are no special differences between women and men. The psychology of setting goals that lead us beyond the boundaries of comfort, and the process of movement towards them is exactly the same for both sexes.

I was always interested in checking my potential and understanding if I have the boundaries of my capabilities, so I seriously took up the triathlon. But this is only my way-other women lead to this sport a variety of reasons: the desire to overcome the feeling of unrealism, the desire to come into perfect physical shape, stand one level with a man or simply replace a triathlon and preparation for the start of some sphere of their life.

How did you combine triathlon classes, family and business? And how others reacted to your new hobby?

I am a very organized and motivated person and I can achieve results in several types of activities at the same time. Combining a family, business and sport, of course, was always difficult, but I still continue to train for 15-20 hours a week and at the same time I try to stay a good mother and keep the pace in work. All this is possible thanks to strict observance of the regime and plan.

Children reacted to my hobby differently, but in general they are proud of me and support. They see a good example and already follow him – all my children have serious sports hobbies, and they try to keep up with everything.

How do you feel about dividing sports disciplines into female and male? For example, dancing – for girls, boxing – for boys.

I have never divided hobbies into male and female: the main thing is what a person himself wants, what he sees his calling. For example, my youngest daughter – a beautiful blonde with blue eyes – loves playing football and professionally engages in dog hunting. I know very well that I myself do a lot in the triathlon “like a girl”, and I remain feminine, whatever I do. And this is my advantage.

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