What is the main secret of success?

Want to know this secret? It is very simple and consists in the ability to deny himself pleasure, putting it off for later. In any case, the famous psychologist and popularizer of science Joaimi


de Posada is convinced of this.

For many years he devoted Joaim de Posada for many years to study and reproduce the results of a famous experiment, set by scientists at Stanford University more than 40 years ago. During the study, four -year -old kids left some in the room, putting a candy on the table. And they promised the children that if after 15 minutes, when the scientists return, the treat will survive, the children will receive a prize – another same candy.

Only every third young subject managed to resist the temptation and save the candy. But this is only the beginning of history. For many years after experience with sweets, researchers continued to be interested in how things are going on for its participants. And, say, after 15 years they stated that the most successful students were those who managed to abandon sweets. They were much more popular among peers, could boast of great success in love – well, and so on.

And after 20 and after 30 years, nothing fundamentally changed. These data inspired Joachim de Posad. He is convinced that the main secret of success is the ability to control himself and abandon small incentives now to achieve more significant in the future. Joachim de Posada’s book “Do not pounce on marmalade!”(” Don ‘Eat the Marshmallow. Yet! The Secret to Sweet Success in Work and Life)* has become an international bestseller.

Its main provisions de Posad and reveals in her lecture at the TED conference. But to see this lecture is worth not only for its speech. A consideration of a similar experiment reproduced by a lecturer with the participation of 4-6 year old children in Columbia is a considerable part of the speech. Their faces, facial expressions, gestures, their desperate struggle with themselves (and with candy) – the sight is simply unforgettable. And in many ways explaining why it is so difficult to achieve success, even if his secret is well known.

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